Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Blast From the Past

It’s funny how when you work with a few people around the same age, you look back on certain shows, individuals and songs with a similar nostalgic glow. It is also amusing how that same harbored fondness can quickly turn to sounds of disbelief and exclamations of what were we thinking? It seems that on some days, one can be lucky enough to encounter a combination of both these feelings. Let’s take things back to earlier this afternoon. I am not sure how it all started but eventually, there was talk of Corey and Topanga, the trio of brothers known as Brad, Randy and Mark and the epic music video surrounding the Guns N’ Roses single November Rain. It is true that some things just never get old. After all, some of the same stars who graced the pages of Tiger Beat magazine now have a somewhat odd, grown-up appeal. These characters all had such a relatable familiarity. If I had to deal with the awkwardness of adolescence, so did they. I was learning about some of life’s trials alongside Urkel from Family Matters and Corky from Life Goes On. Now when things get tough, it is nice to know that the beat goes on and that some things, like my secret love for Rick Astley’s dancing just never fade.

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