Friday, February 26, 2010

Napping Nostalgia

It’s hard to believe a time existed where I tried to avoid the afternoon nap. Growing up as a child filled with energy, I was constantly trying to learn and investigate. Taking time to shut one’s eyes was really just an obstacle in acquiring knowledge of all things. Take for example naptime in Kindergarden. Sure this was probably more for the teacher’s sanity but personally, when we were all told to get our mats out and observe the naptime rules of silence, I found this extremely difficult. I mean what kind of teacher would want to make us stop having fun? Going to slumber parties years later proved to be no different. Yes, it may have been annoying to hear laughter at all hours of the night but hey, I was having a grand old time. Who needed sleep? It seemed that when the pressures of life increased, so did that desire to slumber. I knew a few friends in college who tried, unsuccessfully, to master sleeping with their eyes open during classes. Needless to say this was quite the amusing failure. If only we could somehow transport these once dreaded afternoon naps of childhood into the daily adult life. If there were suddenly a rule among corporations worldwide requiring that their employees partake in an afternoon snooze, I’m willing to bet there would not be protest lines and picketers crowding local politicians. Business meetings would run more smoothly, late afternoon vending machine binges would be avoided and everyone could reunite with their loved ones after a long day feeling refreshed and exhilarated. You would no longer find yourself snapping at coworkers for no real reason, muttering under your breath at fellow drivers or shooting subconscious evil glares while fueling your car at a gas station. Some countries have already taken this brilliant idea and implemented it into daily life. Until this wonderful shift is made, I will stick to the lovely, and highly anticipated Sunday afternoon shuteye.

1 comment:

  1. If this was facebook I would totally "like" this post :)
    I <3 naps...and I miss our high school slumber parties, hehe.
