Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Game On

While I once basked in the happy oblivion to anything related to organized sports during lunch, I will say that I have since reformed my opinion. Originally, spending my lunch hour getting super competitive around coworkers seemed like my personal idea of hell. I mean think of every stereotype of work associate you could find and mix in score keeping and a strong drive to win- no thank you. After laying low on the structured sports radar, I took the plunge last week during a game of ultimate frisbee. Interestingly enough, I have to say that my ideas were extremely skewed. My fears of having my office mates shoving my face in the mud for missing a catch were nonexistent. In fact, everyone involved in the game had nothing but positive things to say- at least when aimed towards this newcomer. Sure there was the occasional trash talk but it was usually in good fun and was seldom laced with four letter obscenities. No one broke into a fist fight in the middle of the field of swept someone with a tackle after the play was over. All in all, I enjoyed the abundance of high fives and the congratulatory commentary. While I do enjoy the solitude of my midday runs where I can churn over my own thoughts, I have to say that I will definitely be responding to the next email involving an ultimate game. Count me in!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Voices Only

For those unimpressed with groups capable of creating music without instruments, let me just ask- WHY? Sure I can see how some of you uneducated in the world of acappella singing may think only of old fashioned barber shop quartets and nerdy collegiate groups in monogrammed sweaters. I will let you in on a little secret- those ideas of this growing phenomenon are both outdated and incorrect. Sure, there are those stereotypical groups out there but there really is nothing uncool about being able to create music with simply voices. This sudden ranting over the world of acappella is prompted by an upcoming reunion with some fellow singers once involved in Elon’s Sweet Signatures. While there will probably be something musically driven thrown in the mix, there will certainly not be a shortage of entertainment. I mean what can you expect when twelve to sixteen girls hold practices three times a week and take their music on the road to other colleges around the area? These ladies know how to sing and how to entertain the idea of mischief along with the best of them. Impromptu beatbox sessions and freestyle sing-alongs? Check. The best part is, with the ability to arrange and perform these songs acappella, the show can really be put on when and wherever we choose. Whether we find ourselves amplified or simply rocking out in someone’s car, this weekend is sure to be a good time. But please, voices only.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Running Machine

Well friends, I am proud to announce that I participated in – and survived – my first 10K race! While I would be lying if I said that every minute of it looked like a scene out of the most esteemed runner’s magazine, I did run the whole way and avoided a dramatic meltdown upon crossing the finish line. I suppose in some ways I had an advantage since I ran this same course for the 5K I participated in this past November. That seemed fine and dandy at first until I forced myself to settle with the fact that I would be facing those same hills twice. Nothing like passing through the finish line for the 5K and getting geared up for another go. I will admit that on some of those inclines I found myself gazing longingly at passing cars wondering just how sketchy it would be if I asked the driver to covertly drop me at the next mile mark. I did not know anyone involved in this race so when we started out there were lots of conversations to help distract me from the run itself. As those folks who bolted out of the gates started falling back, the chatter began to die down and towards the end there were many people running alone. Personally, this is not something that bothers me and in many ways it is quite peaceful but man, running for over an hour really gives you some time to think. On downhill slopes I was thinking of happier times such as the BBQ I will be attending later today or the lovely weather. During those almost never-ending hills my thoughts did begin to shift. To make myself feel better about the task at hand, I thought back to some footage I had seen of marathon runners and some poor souls who had a hard time keeping it together. I then thought about a dramatic finish line moment involving a frantic collapse onto a few lucky bystanders. Throwing a large amount of drool in there never hurt. I will say that this was a positive experience and I did beat my set time, finishing at 1:06:10. Not too shabby. A friend of mine planted the seed of training for a half marathon this December but for today, it’s time to kick back and relax. Happy Saturday!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Almost Pampered Chef

Let it be known that I give the utmost praise to the individual behind the concept of product parties because tonight not only marked my first encounter with The Pampered Chef, but it awoke my desire to become a cooking enthusiast. Apparently with the mention of food choppers, bamboo serving bowls and non-stick cookware, this evening displaced me into a magical alternate universe of entertaining. Forget the bags of chips and the half eaten jar of salsa - with the gorgeous catalog of Pampered Chef merchandise, I found myself flooded with visions of hosting parties where the appetizers were pastry based and there were special plates and utensils for each specific menu item. Is this a hidden love for domestication manifesting itself in the form of a credit card purchase for an egg slicer and a jar of asian spices? Perhaps my home cooking just needs a bit of a kick and this is the exact way to make the packed lunches and self prepared dinners a bit more manageable and exciting. Whatever prompted this sudden shift was definitely sparked by the pages of this previously mentioned - and very delightful - product magazine. I mean the concept really is flawless. With the gathering of friends in a safe and comfortable location, everyone is free to eat, drink and SPEND. It is almost as if in some cases, the purchases of others prompt you to keep adding items to your own list. Not to fear, no financial damage was done this evening but I have planted the seed for future spending. In the meantime, look for precisely chopped vegetables and meals whipped up in hopefully next to no time at all. Bon appétit!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Meat Free

Delicious, juicy hamburgers. Mouth watering chicken cutlets. Steak. Why on earth would a former meat eater want to give such delicacies up? I can tell you that while I appreciate other’s desires for such culinary delights, the intense fear of self-inflicted food poisoning combined with the lack of enthusiasm over meat dishes as a whole turned me vegetarian. Oh, that and the fact that one fateful afternoon I decided to watch a video on meat processing. So, that pretty much sums up why I stick to consuming creatures of the sea. This may seem confusing to some as yes, they are still considered animals but let me just say that while I loved the movie The Little Mermaid as a child, I have no qualms about eating flounder or a crustacean treat. This may seem like selective carnivorous behavior but I admit I am pretty set in my ways. I never liked meat enough to consume something I could snuggle with. Can you share a tender embrace with a piece of pre-sushi whitefish? Not exactly. While choosing to forgo the popular menu items of today’s world such as Big Macs has been a rather easy decision, it has not gone without some backlash. Take for example the pictures of raw meat that mysteriously appear around my work cubicle when I return from vacation. Or perhaps the endless jokes from my roommate about leaving hamburger meat “accidentally” on top of my vegetables and other perishables in the fridge. While yes, all harmless and in good fun, vegetarians of today must be equipped with a thick skin and the daily craving for greens. Let me also add that if anyone is ever looking for a companion for sushi by all means, count me IN.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Colonial Life

Either through school trips, family vacations, or historical curiosity, a few of you may be familiar with the enchanting place known as Colonial Williamsburg. For a certain age bracket, this world can be seen as boring and extremely old fashioned but once one reaches a certain maturity, this alternative America transports you back…way back. I realize some of you may be aware of this already, but did you know that the size of a man’s calf muscle was a gauge of his wealth and importance in society? This particular body part may go unnoticed in this day and age but back in the colonial times, it was not uncommon for men to go around strutting their stuff and flexing their calf muscles for all- particularly the ladies- to see. For those working on reenactments and representing silversmiths and the working force behind a running stable, this is total immersion. You cannot roll up to the job site in a CAR blasting music from THIS century out of your new high tech speakers. The thought of wearing anything showing a brand name as part of the work attire would be simply unheard of and the smallest details, even down to the phrasing of sentences and the word choice reflect a certain antique air. If you are a gentleman dealing with the traditional working world and do not wish to sheer your long locks, this could be the place for you. Well, if you possess a vast knowledge of your craft and have mastered studies in American history. Minor details aside, this place moves even the most skeptic history lover to an extremely interesting phase in our nation’s past. So while you may not be jumping to plan your next vacation in this mainly pedestrian-only destination, look around for a Colonial Williamsburg junky- they are out there!